My Office Installation on My Personal Machine is Saying I Don't Have a Valid License


When I install office applications or I have office applications installed on my personal machine it says I don't have a valid license.


  • Office Applications


If you received a message when you have Microsoft Applications installed on your personal machine that you do not have a valid license and that you need to get a valid license within 7 days. Due to licensing changes, situations, where you haven't been paid or haven't taught classes in 6 months, require us to change your license to a lower level which prevents the ability to have a valid license for the download of office applications. You will be able to access office applications on the web. 

If have been paid or started teaching classes it will take 24 hours before the license will change on the backend. If it has been longer than 24 hours please contact the Service Desk at (586)445-7156. 

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Article ID: 129817
Mon 3/8/21 4:18 PM
Mon 4/22/24 12:01 PM