How to View the Monthly, Weekly or Daily Calendar in EMS



How do I view the Monthly, Weekly or Daily calendar in EMS?


  • EMS


  • Log in to EMS
  • Under Browse, Select Events
    • This view is all events across campus (except conference rooms).

  • Pick a Date under the Filters menu.

Show specific events:

  • Click on Add Filter from the filters menu
  • Select the type of filter

Location Filter: Allows to filter by a specific building

  • Check the campus/buildings to view.
  • Click Update Locations.

Room Filter: Allows to filter by a specific room

  • Enter the location campus
    • You can enter the campus, building, and room. All or one will work. The format is the following: ss-140. 

 Note:  If entering campus and/or building the dash is required.

  • By default, the calendar will open in a monthly list. If you would like to see the daily list or weekly list you will need to select the desired tab on the right side of the calendar. 




Article ID: 71351
Fri 2/1/19 6:44 PM
Thu 4/11/24 11:48 AM