Unable to Send to Distribution List


I am trying to send to an email to a Distribution List and I am receiving the following email message:


Your message to the group dl_distrobutionlist@macomb.edu couldn't be delivered.

The group DistrobutionList only accepts messages from people on its allowed senders list, and your email address isn't on the list.


  • Microsoft Exchange/O365 (College email)


Some Distribution Lists have restrictions on who can send email to them. To resolve this issue please reach out to the owner of the Distribution List to be added as a specified sender

Note: Some college-wide Distribution Lists such as DL_MCCStaff are restricted by the Communications Department. For access or questions please contact communications@macomb.edu


Article ID: 150046
Thu 3/2/23 3:01 PM
Tue 3/26/24 11:57 AM