Login to a Student Borrowed Laptop


Login for student borrowed machines



How do I log into the computer I borrowed from the college?


  • Student borrowed laptop


Log into Machine

Use the following credentials:

  • Username: Macomb email address (example@macomb.edu) or ID@macomb.edu (2310760@macomb.edu)
  • Password: Macomb password

Office 365 (Word, Excel, etc)

Office 365 will download automatically after being connected to the Internet for an extended time. If it doesn't download after 24 hours you can sync your computer. For instructions visit here:  How to Sync Your Device for MCC Applications, Policies, & Updates.

If you are still having issues you can download Office 365 manually with these instructions: How to Download and Install Microsoft Office 365

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding the laptop program or have a machine that is having issues please contact the SOS office.. They will not be able to provide you troubleshooting support but they can swap out the machine for another laptop if available. Please do not go to the SOS location until you have put a ticket in for a laptop and have been confirmed or until you have called them to make sure they have a machine that is available for you. 

SOS Hours of Operation SOS Phone Number SOS Locations
Monday and Tuesday: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Wednesday through Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
586-447-8609 South Campus G370 or Center Campus H103





Article ID: 138110
Mon 9/27/21 8:02 AM
Thu 5/30/24 3:03 PM