How to Make a TeamDynamix Knowledge Base Article


How do I make a knowledge base article in the TeamDynamix portal?


  • TeamDynamix


  • Navigate to the TeamDynamix Portal. 
Direct Link to TeamDynamix Knowledge Base Navigate from
Visit the following link: knowledge base

  • Select Knowledge Base in the top menu.

  • Sign in to the TeamDynamix portal, if necessary.



  • Select New Article on the right side. 


  • Category: Fill out the Category base on the article. 
  • Order: Leave as the default.
  • Subject: This will be the title of the knowledge base article. 


  • Template: Select the body template dependent on the article. 
  • Body: After you select the template fill out the information under the headers. 

 Note: For any process flows please select the Process Flows Template. All other knowledge base articles should use the Body Template. 


  • Article Summary: Fill out a brief summary. This will be displayed on the knowledge base article page. 
  • Tags: Fill out any Tags that would help search for the article. Please be careful of misspellings as those tags will go into a shared database. 
  • Notify Owner of Feedback: Check off Notify Owner on Feedback so that if someone finds the article helpful or unhelpful we see the feedback. 
  • Tech Comments: If you want to include any information that only a technician can see. 
  • Click Save. 


  • You will be taken to a preview window. If you want to submit the article for approval select Submit Article. If you need to edit the article select Edit Article. 

 Note: Once you submit the article for review you will no longer be able to edit the article. The Service Desk will have to unsubmit the article to edit. 


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Article ID: 147740
Fri 11/11/22 2:34 PM
Thu 11/17/22 11:23 AM