Install Software from Company Portal


How can I download software from the Company Portal?


  • Company Portal
  • College Issued Device


  • In the search box in Windows, type in Company Portal.

  • On the home tab, you may see the app you are looking for. If you do click the app you want to install. 

  • If you didn't see the app in the home page, select Apps from the left side to search all the apps. Click on the app you want to install on the Apps page.

  • Select Install. 

 Note: After installing software the computer may automatically reboot without asking. Please make sure all files are saved and computer is ready to be rebooted before installing any software. 


Syncing Company Portal

If the application is not shown in Company Portal, you can try syncing to refresh the catalog. 

  • Click the gear in the bottom of the screen.

  • Select Sync in the Sync box settings.

  • Once the sync has completed check for the software again.