How do I set up Webex for the first time?
Additional Details
Some additional training resources from Webex: Get started with Webex App
- Search for Webex in the search box.

- When Webex, opens, click Sign in.

- Enter your full Macomb email address in the box.
- Select Next.

- You will get a message that Webex is signing in. If you get the Single Sign on Prompt see the instructions below this.

Note: If off-site you may get the single sign-on prompt. If you do not get the below prompt please scroll down to the next steps for the settings.
- Enter your Macomb email address.
- Click Next.

- Enter your Network/MyMacomb Password.
- Click Sign In.
Note: You may be prompted for verification information for MFA.

- The next screen will ask if you want to keep sign in information. Select Yes or No depending on preferences. Yes should only be used if this machine is not publicly used.

When you log in for the first time you will go to the settings. There are two ways to get to the settings:
Open settings from the option at the bottom of the screen |
Open settings from the menu under the initials |
- At the bottom of the screen, there should be an option that displays Open Settings.
- Click Open Settings.

- Click your Initials in the top left side

- In the Phone Services menu, log in with your Network/MyMacomb username and password.
- Click Sign In.
Note: Please only enter your username without the at the end.
Note: If you get an error asking for a server address please follow this knowledge base article to correct the error: Error Asking for Server Address When Trying to Setup Webex

- Once you have signed in, You will get a message about Emergency Calling Notification. Click OK.

- You will then be brought back to the Phone services page, you will see a confirmation saying Phone service connected.
- Click Save.

- You are now ready to use your Webex phone.